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What is true density? How to measure?

Jun. 24, 2024

The true density of particles in a particle accumulation body (or powder) refers to the mass of the particles divided by the volume of the particles excluding the internal and external pores. The external pores here obviously refer to the interstitial pores between the particles.

Vacuum density measurements of individual particles are difficult and unnecessary. Generally, the true density of bulk materials of the same material is sufficient. The true density of bulk materials can be measured through X-ray crystal structure analysis and calculated from its crystal structure parameters. For amorphous substances, choose the preparation method to obtain the most dense material (without any closed pores, least defects), and calculate the true density by dividing its mass by the volume measured by Archimedes' principle.

True density is one of the important physical properties of minerals. It is not only one of the important identification characteristics of minerals, but also quantitatively determines the number of structural defects in the crystal structure and crystallization.

One of the important criteria of degree. By measuring the true density of minerals, closed pores and various physical defects existing between crystal particles can be effectively obtained.

What is true density? How to measure?cid=20

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