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Application of laser particle size analyzer in stainless steel powder

Sep. 05, 2024

Stainless steel powder refers to powdered stainless steel particles. It is made by atomizing or reducing stainless steel into a fine powder and can be used for a variety of industrial purposes. In 2021, the global stainless steel powder market will exceed 1 billion tons, and the compound annual growth rate from 2022 to 2030 is expected to exceed 81 tons.

Some of the main applications of stainless steel powder:

3D printing, powder metallurgy, surface coating, brazing and welding, welding, granular activated carbon, manufacturing of diamond tools, nanomaterial precursors, electromagnetic shielding, manufacturing of steel powder cores and friction materials.

The main properties of stainless steel powder include:

Particle size - typically 5 to 150 microns. The narrower the distribution, the better the sintering effect.

Morphology - Spherical when atomized, irregular when milled. Affects flow and packing density.

Apparent Density - True density is typically 40 to 50%, indicating the presence of pores between particles.

Flowability - Very important for mold filling. Spherical particles and additives improve results.

Compressibility - How dense it is when compacted. Essential for sintering.

Sinterability - The ability to bond into a dense mass when heated. Affected by purity, size and shape.

Alloy composition - determines properties such as strength, corrosion resistance, wear resistance and more.

It can be seen that the particle size of stainless steel powder is crucial to its application. This time, Winner2008 is recommended to measure stainless steel powder for customers.

Measuring instrument information is as follows:

Application of laser particle size analyzer in stainless steel powder

The video of measuring nanoparticles is as follows:


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