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Answers to frequently asked questions about particle size analyzers(4)

Jul. 28, 2023

 How to determine the usage and dosage of dispersant?

The dispersant should be mixed with water in a certain proportion and dissolved completely before measurement. The ratio of dispersant to water is between 0.005% and 0.05% (mass), limited to not producing a saturated solution.

Why can't a fixed percentage concentration be specified for particle size distribution measurement?

In the common particle size distribution measurement process, the suspension concentration must be controlled, but generally it is impossible to specify a fixed percentage concentration, because the appropriate concentration in the particle size measurement process is often determined by the number of particles. Due to the different density and particle size of the samples, more samples with high density and coarse particle size can reach the number of particles required by the system, and samples with small density and fine particle size can reach the number of particles required by the system with only a small amount. Therefore, as far as the particle size test system is concerned, the percentage concentration cannot be fixed. Generally speaking, the percentage concentration of the suspension is between 0.01% and 0.1%.

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