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Application of laser particle size analyzer inQuinolone antibiotics, quinolones

Aug. 21, 2024

Quinolone antibiotics, quinolones are a type of commonly used broad-spectrum synthetic antibacterial drugs. They are named because they contain the same or similar nitrogen-containing bis-heterocyclic structure as 4-quinolone. The common names of these drugs are generally named "XX" sand star" Since the development of norfloxacin in 1984, most new quinolones are fluoroquinolones containing fluorine atoms in their molecular structure, such as ciprofloxacin. Due to their broad antibacterial spectrum, strong antibacterial activity, good oral absorption, and less cross-resistance, fluoroquinolones are the drugs of choice for infections caused by many sensitive bacteria (especially urinary tract and respiratory tract infections). In 2012, quinolones were the most commonly used antibacterial drugs in U.S. hospitals. The samples tested this time are veterinary antibacterial drugs, which are used in veterinary clinical practice to prevent and treat bacterial infections in animals. Winner3003 is recommended for customers to test the particle size of salon-killing veterinary drugs.

Measuring instrument information is as follows:

Application of laser particle size analyzer inQuinolone antibiotics, quinolones

The video of measuring nanoparticles is as follows:


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