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Application of laser particle size analyzer in water-based polyurethane self-extinction resin

Aug. 09, 2024

Water-based polyurethane self-matting resin is a non-toxic, non-flammable and environmentally friendly material. It can be used to make various coatings, includingtextiles, leather, wood, plastics, construction, papermaking, automobiles and industrial maintenance. The advantages of water-based polyurethane self-matting resin make it favored by consumers. In recent years, the average annual growth rate of polyurethane dispersion consumption in China has been as high as 8%, of which the proportion used in leather finishing agents has reached 50%.This makes China the world's largest water-based polyurethane market. With the advancement of chemical coating technology, people have been able to synthesize specific polymer resins through some chemical reactions. These resins have unique structures and properties. Due to the property differences between their components, they can achieve matting or self-matting effects without adding any matting agents.

Relevant data show that the performance of emulsions and water-based polyurethane coatings prepared by chain extension of hydrazine hydrate (water-based polyurethane-hydrazine hydrate) is better than that of emulsions and water-based polyurethane coatings prepared by chain extension of ethylenediamine (water-based polyurethane-ethylenediamine) ). Through hydrazine hydrate chain extension technology, a water-based polyurethane coating is prepared, with many raised particles on its surface, most of which are spherical and stacked together. The particle size of latex particles is mainly concentrated between 600 and 4000nm, with an average particle size of 1615nm, a PI① value of 0.589, and a relatively uniform particle size distribution. The particles on the surface of the water-based polyurethane coating show an irregular shape. The boundaries between the flat and raised particles are not clear. There are holes at the boundaries, so it is easy to store water. The water absorption rate is high, and the particle size of the latex particles is relatively large. The distribution range is also wide. The PI value is 1.382, the average particle size is 5790nm, and the particle size range is between 1000~14000nm. The molecular structure of ethylenediamine contains two methylene groups, which makes its chain extension effect better. After a comprehensive evaluation, it was decided to use hydrazine hydrate as the chain extender for water-based polyurethane resin.

It can be seen that the particle size of particle molecules has a particularly important impact on the performance of water-based polyurethane self-matting resin. Winner2018 is recommended to test water-based polyurethane self-matting resin emulsion samples for customers.

Measuring instrument information is as follows:

Application of laser particle size analyzer in water-based polyurethane self-extinction resin

The video of measuring nanoparticles is as follows:


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