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Application of laser particle size analyzer in powder coatings

Jun. 26, 2024

Effect of particle size on coating appearance

The control of the particle size of powder coatings is one of the very important links in the powder coating production process. Powder coatings with different appearance styles and characteristics have their own suitable particle size ranges. If the particle size distribution of the powder coating is uneven, too coarse or too fine, it will seriously affect the appearance of the coating film. Within a certain particle size range, it is generally considered that flat products with smaller particle sizes have better surface leveling and are less prone to particles. The particle size of art paint depends on the specific appearance requirements.

Effect of particle size on charging effect of powder coating

The adhesion between powder coating particles and metal substrate is related to the charging ability of the powder. Particle size that is too large or too small will seriously affect the powder coating rate of powder spraying. Generally speaking, the particle size of powder coating particles is relatively large, and the chargeability will be relatively better. However, when the mass of the particles is greater than the power of the charge of the powder to absorb air, due to gravity, the powder loading rate of the powder and the coating The effect will decrease. The particle size is small and the electrification is relatively low, and the powdering effect will be correspondingly poor, resulting in a reduction in the efficiency of powder spraying construction.

Effect of particle size on powder coating coating thickness

The average particle size of powder coatings is generally controlled between 30 and 60 μm, and the coating thickness is generally between 50 and 200 μm. The specific powder coating thickness also depends on the application characteristics of the product (the thickness of the coating determines the area per unit mass of powder coating sprayed). Referring to the characteristics of powder coatings, when the particle size is 30~40μm, the best effect of the coating can be matched. Therefore, particle size detection is particularly important for sprayed powder. Winner3003 is recommended for customers to measure the particle size of sprayed powder.

Measuring instrument information is as follows:

Application of Laser Particle Size Analyzer in Fat Emulsion Particle Size Detection

The video of measuring nanoparticles is as follows:

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