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Advantages and disadvantages of various particle size testing methods

Jul. 13, 2023

(1) Laser method: Advantages: simple operation, fast test speed, large test range, good repeatability and accuracy, and can realize online measurement and dry measurement. Disadvantages: low resolution. 

(2)Dynamic image method: Advantages: simple operation, fast shooting and analysis speed, good repeatability and accuracy, can measure the largest particle, and can perform shape analysis such as circularity and aspect ratio. Disadvantages: cannot analyze fine particles (such as <2um), and the cost of the instrument is high.

(3) Static image method: Advantages: low cost, clear image, and shape analysis such as circularity and aspect ratio. Disadvantages: complex operation, slow analysis speed, unable to analyze fine particles (such as <2um).

(4)Electron microscopy: advantages: it can accurately analyze the particle size and morphology of nanoparticles and ultrafine particles, the image is clear, the surface texture is visible, and the resolution is high. It is a standard method for characterizing the particle size of nanoparticles. Cons: Poor representation, expensive.


(5) Photoresistance method: Advantages: fast test speed, can measure the number of low-concentration particles in liquid and gas, high resolution, and less sample consumption. Disadvantages: This system is more complicated and not suitable for nanometer samples.


(6)Resistance method: Advantages: simple operation, measurable particle number, clear equivalent concept, fast speed and good accuracy. Disadvantages: Not suitable for measuring ultra-fine samples and broad distribution samples.


(7) Sedimentation method: Advantages: simple operation, continuous operation of the instrument, and low price. Disadvantages: The test time is longer and the operation is complicated.


(8) Screening method: Advantages: simple, intuitive, low equipment cost, often used for samples larger than 38um (400 mesh). Disadvantages: Cannot be used for ultra-fine samples; the results are greatly affected by human factors and mesh deformation.


(9) Dynamic light scattering method: Advantages: fast test speed, good repeatability, and simple operation. Disadvantages: There is a large error in testing broadly distributed nanomaterials.


(10) Ultrasonic method: Advantages: It can directly measure high-concentration slurry on site without diluting samples. Disadvantages: The resolution is low, and the results are greatly affected by environmental factors.

 Advantages and disadvantages of various particle size testing methodsC_)6@F30GGH7QU_T}~)8MG1.png

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